Comrade Ayuba P. Wabba mni

Comrade Ayuba Philibus Wabba, mni, is a self-made intellectual and a hard-baked activist with an unflinching commitment to the cause of the downtrodden. This has fired his quest for knowledge and passion for social justice and the building of a more equitable and humane society.

A dogged fighter with strong convictions, Ayuba Wabba is an institution builder, a social critic and a believer in the rule of law and a stickler for accountability.

A Public Health Specialist, Ayuba Wabba had his early education at Kawo Primary School, Kaduna; Government Science Secondary School, Waka-Biu, Borno State, before proceeding to the School of Health Technology, Maiduguri. He was at various times at the Imo State University, Houdigbe North American University,Institute of Peace and Development, Israel; Royal Institute of Public Administration, London; Whaton Business School, USA from where he obtained various diplomas including PGD, Public Health and a Master’s degree in Public Health (MPH).

He is an alumnus of the prestigious National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Kuru and a proud bearer of mni (member national institute.

In the course of his career in activism, he has held over a dozen positions including President, National Union of Health Technology Students; State (elected) Secretary, Medical and Health Workers Union (MHWUN); State Chairman, Medical and Health Workers Union; Chairman, Nigeria Labour Congress, Borno State Council; National President, MHWUN; National Treasurer, Nigeria Labour Congress; Chairperson, Joint Health Sectors Union; Chairperson, West African Health Sector Unions Network. Comrade Ayuba was elected President of the Nigeria Labour Congress, the biggest Labour Centre in Africa in March 2015.

He has been a member of various boards including Board of Management, Lagos University Teaching Hospital; Board of Management, National Health Insurance Scheme; National Labour Advisory Council; Board of Management, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu; Board of Management, National Productivity Centre; Non-Executive Director, Trustfund Pensions plc, and Member, National Conference.

Comrade Ayuba Wabba has attended dozens of key conferences some of which were PSI Congress, Vienna, Austria ; 2nd ITUC Congress, Vancouver, Canada; 3rd WHO Global Conference on Human Resource for Health, Recife, Brazil; Africa-US Economic Summit , Washington DC; ACFTU-NLC Bilateral, Beijing, China, ITUC General Council and CUT Conference Sao Paulo, Brazil.

In appreciation of his services to workers and humanity, Comrade Ayuba Wabba has been bestowed with a Doctorate Degree (Honoris Causa) of the Commonwealth University, Belize and a Doctorate Degree (Honoris Causa) of Dure State University. He is the Fiwagboye of Orile-Ifo and the Zanna Ma’alama of Borno Emirate, highly revered traditional titles.

Comrade Ayuba Wabba born on October 22, 1968, hails from Askira/Uba Local Government Council of Borno State. He is married with children.