fundamental aims and objectives of the Congress are to protect, defend,
and promote the rights, well being and the interests of all workers,
pensioners, the trade unions and the working class in general; and also to
promote and defend a Nigerian nation that would be just, democratic,
transparent and prosperous through the attainment of the following objectives:

  1. To
    promote, defend and advance the economic, political and social rights and
    wellbeing of Nigerian workers and pensioners;
  1. To
    continually enhance the quality of life and improve the income and other
    working conditions of workers
  1. To
    promote and sustain the unity of Nigerian Trade Unions, ensure total
    unionization of all workers irrespective of their creed, state of origin,
    gender and political beliefs;
  1. To
    promote the existence of one trade union and/ or one federation of trade unions
    in every industry; including the emergence of one central labour organization
    in Nigeria;
  • To
    continually strive towards the attainment of gender equity and improvements in
    the status and conditions of women in the world of work and society;
  • To
    work for the industrialization and prosperity of the Nigerian nation and ensure
    protection of jobs, full employment and a humane working environment;
  • To
    continually struggle to influence public and corporate policies and legislation
    on all issues at all levels, in the interest of workers, disadvantaged social
    groups and trade unions;
  • To
    establish relationship and cooperation with Labour Movements the world over;
    and in particular the African region, and play cardinal roles in the
    Organisation of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU), and Organization of Trade
    Unions in West Africa (OTUWA);
  1. To
    promote and sustain positive industrial relations practice in Nigeria by
    strengthening collective bargaining in all sectors of the economy and
    internalizing appropriate work culture among workers;
  • To
    cooperate with other organizations with whom the trade unions share common and/
    or specific interests for the attainment of these objectives.
  • To
    ensure a viable financial base for the Congress by engaging in profitable
    business ventures, wholly or jointly owned with other establishments; including
    the right to own property, mortgage and disposal of same for the purpose of the
    attainment of Congress’ aims and objectives.
  • To
    print and publish literature for the purpose of enhancing and achieving the aims
    and objectives of Congress and its affiliates.